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Stones, Bones and Stars 

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Primary and Secondary Schools 



Stones, Bones & Stars


Ad Astra


Reach for the Stars














Guide. Nurture. Inspire


  • The Austin Hospital School : Term 1


  • The Austin Hospital School : Terms 1,2,3 & 4

  • Warrandyte Primary School : Terms 2,3 & 4

  • Warrandyte High School      : Terms 3 & 4

​Stones, Bones and Stars makes for an absolutely unique school incursion and classroom experience for both primary and secondary schools. It has been presented in hundreds of Victorian school classrooms and other educational and special settings, delivering powerful learning and experiential outcomes to students. 

Accomplished teacher and presenter, Greg Stewart, delivers a very entertaining learning experience that quickly engages student audiences and creates a rich environment for learning and personal skills development. Students have great fun and respond enthusiastically to the challenge of unlocking the secrets of SB&S treasures from natural history, from beneath the earth, from space and from ancient cultures, while building their knowledge, critical thinking and personal and social capabilities.   

In carefully guided  discovery sessions students :  

  • Practise and strengthen personal and social capabilities such as inclusiveness, respectful listening and speaking, turn-waiting, contributing to conversations and discussions and acknowledging and valuing the ideas and opinions of others.


  • Closely observe, consider, discuss and extrapolate from evidence.


  • Utilise personal knowledge and experience, logical, critical and creative thinking, synthesis and inspiration to investigate, develop theories and reach conclusions.


  • Frame and present critical questions and answers, observations and ideas that move individuals and  the group through an organic process of learning and discovery.


  • Strengthen scientific, historical, cultural, ethical and social knowledge.

Stones, Bones and Stars embraces core Learning Area and Capabilities components of the Victorian Curriculum, including the learning areas of Science, English, Humanities and Technology and Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural and Personal and Social Capabilities. It also implements High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS) linked to FISO to generate rich opportunities for learning.

Stones, Bones and Stars also provides regular, safe, comfortable and engaging lunchtime activities programs or clubs for students. These sessions have a strong student well-being and mental health promotion emphasis. They are designed for young people interested in further exploring the SB&S Collection and those who might benefit from such an activity and environment during what can be an emotionally and socially vulnerable time in the school day.

Stones Bones and Stars Lunchtime Activities Program / Club

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